Online Businesses


About this page

The first couple of weeks after I started my first blog, I spent dozens of hours looking for information on how to start an online business and grow organically - literally, dozens and dozens of hours.

I found a lot of theory, but almost nobody showed real life examples. Or they were all pretty outdated. I figured that there would be a lot more people looking for real and proven strategies on how to build an online business, so I decided to do it myself. And here we are! On this page I'll let you know about every milestone my blogs hit and all the strategies I'm using to grow my businesses.

I'll be updating the content on this page as my blogs grow and make more money, so make sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you want to be up to date with everything I add:

What are we waiting for? Let's go!

1. My Little Green Car

You know this site pretty well, you're on it right now! It's a site that's going to document everything I do to make money online and help other people do the same thing. I explained what I wanted MLGC to be in my very first post. Check it out here!

I named it "My Little Little Green Car" because after my wedding everything I owned could fit into my little green car. I had nothing to loose, yet a promising future awaited. I think starting an online business evokes the same feeling, and I wanted to share it with all my readers.

2. Carpet and Rug World

Carpet and Rug World (.com) is one of the 3 projects I started in late 2019. It's an Authority Niche Site that started of as the ultimate website on how to clean rugs (It was originally called "Rug Cleaning World"). But after careful consideration I decided to rename the blog.

What I love the most about this site is that it's extremely simple. Literally anyone could do something similar! I also love that's pretty passive too. My idea is to work on it for 6 months and then let it sit for a while and see how it does. I literally want to make money while I sleep.

3. Best Dentist Near Me

Best Dentist Near Me was a Niche site I started in late 2019 as part of my 3 niche sites in 3 months challenge. It was a Niche Site meant to be help people find dentist near them (pediatric, 24h, oral surgeons, etc.)

However, something odd happened. I hired someone to help me write content in November 2019 (you can read about it on my November 2019 Income Report) because I'm not a dentist myself. And that someone (she doesn't want to be named) asked me to buy the domain because she wanted to do it herself. So... I sold my first blog even before it started.

That surely wasn't my goal, but I finally decided to sell. You can read all about this particular business (that lasted less than 3 months) in the next couple of posts: